Marcus Fredrik Eng
Cybersecurity Consultant and OSINT Enthusiast
$ whoami
Ehlo! My name is Marcus, and I'm 24 years old. Work within the cyberspace and pretty into CTF's. I am not much of a blogger or anything, but I try to post from time to time, so if you'd like you can hop over to the "Blog" tab. :)
About my Certifications
Check out all my Certifications and Badges! They are a work in progress but its honest work!
At the moment most of my certifications comes from TryHackMe. This is where i try to get some work done in between studies!
Rights reserved TryHackMe
Top Sports - Rælingen VGS
Ballroom Dancing
Communications Specialist
The Norwegian Armed Forces
Bachelor Cybersecurity
Kristiania University College
Want to know what lies ahead?
”Don't watch the clock; do what it does. Keep going”
- Sam Levenson